Disaster Recovery is the process, policies and procedures related to preparing for recover of technology infrastructure. Writing and testing a disaster recovery plan is one of the key elements of business continuity management. Such a plan should be clear and concise and focus on the key activities required to recover the critical IT services. It should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

JMR IT Consultants will audit you present data integrity procedures and identify any areas that may be putting your data or systems at risk. Once this has been undertaken we will work with you to produce a comprehensive policy and procedure document that is user friendly.

We will identify:

• What information should a disaster recovery plan contain
• What level of detail the plan should contain
• Scope and capability of plan
• Hardware requirements
• Key Roles and Responsibilities i.e. off-site back up
• Summary of critical service
• Recovery objective and priorities
• Recovery time objectives
• Procedures
• Relevant contact details

Once this has been undertaken a full Disaster Recovery Policy and Procedural document can be produced .

*Some insurance companies will reduce premiums if a comprehensive back-up policy is in place.
There will always be situations that cannot be anticipated and JMR IT Consultants are available to deal with these problems as and when they arise.