It is very well documented that failed IT projects are very often those that are not documented well. It is often the case that important information is held within a few people’s heads, who may no longer work for the company or just have bad memories. Therefore, it is essential that at the start of a project key information is documented such as passwords, log-ins to websites, email addresses, email aliases etc.

It can, however, take a lot of time and effort to produce documentation. A company may not have spare staff to undertake such an exercise and therefore you may need to bring somebody in to do it for you.

Just think what it would mean if you could transfer that vital information to colleagues without having to spend time searching for it?

JMR IT Consultants can produce a variety of documentation that will enable you to save time and money in the long run. We can document information in a clear and effective way, which is user friendly.

We can provide you with the following types of documentation (please note this is not an exhaustive list and will are happy to discuss client’s needs at all times):


• Procedureal Information
• Data Risk Management and Disaster Recovery Policy
• Full audit of all equipment
• Technical Support